dev's wrld :3

january 26, 2024

today was pretty uneventful. i had planned to do a few things, but i never ended up getting around to it... sigh. i'm trying to not let myself get bummed out about letting a day go by, so instead of saying it went to waste, i'll just say i spent it relaxing before college starts soon. i didn't realize i only had one weekend before i need to buckle down until i looked at my phone and saw that it was friday today .
i didn't do much today, but i did get some sunlight (only for a few minutes). i really need to stay outside more, but it's so cold now that i'd rather stay in my little room that gets no light at all––which is honestly perfect for me since i collect resin dolls and they yellow under sunlight. i ended up playing minecraft with my girlfriend again today! we went to the end and beat the ender dragon, and i only died once i think. it was less scary than last time, probably because i was decked out in good gear and weapons lol
in terms of music today––besides listening to sonoko on repeat––i'd like to recommend beautiful, but noir - dahlia . lately i've been trying to find music more organically rather than having it be recommended to me by an algorithm such as tiktok or spotify weekly––so, i've been seeking new albums online, and when i can afford it, buy random cds at record shops that look cool lol.
also, i did end up making that tteokbokki that i mentioned yesterday. however, i forgot the mushrooms T_T... it was yummy, but now i have to either make more tteokbokki or cook the mushrooms in something else next time so they don't go bad. ack... honestly i'm running out of things to type today, so i might just call it there. i need to sleep, and hopefully tomorrow i'll do something fun. maybe i'll go out and buy some snacks, or something. i love to hoard yummy snacks in my closet; it's just something i've always done, and it's kind of comforting to have like a selection of snacks i can eat without having to go out for something every single time, since i really dislike driving nowadays.

who i am...

name: devon

age: 24

pronouns: he/him

what i enjoy...




riichi mahjong

art+art history

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